A lot of federal and media employees found out what their coworkers looked like in shorts at the ACLI Capital Challenge.
[button-red url=”http://www.capitalchallenge.com/2001_cabinet/history2001.html” target=”_self” position=”left”] Results [/button-red]The annual three-mile run, a staple of many offices in Washington, featured strong individual performances from the Executive Branch, with Coast Guard’s Patrick Fernandez edging House aide Paul Balmer, and Erin Taylor of the General Services Administration outlasting Rachel Beckmann, another Coast Guard team member. The out-and-back course in Anacostia Park featured a slight headwind after the turnaround. Both Fernandez and Taylor train with the Capital Area Runners. Balmer lead Rep. Earl Blumenauer‘s (D-Ore.) Red White and Blumenauer team to the House championship for the fifth consecutive year.
Taylor recruited four other GSA employees to join the Human “Capitol” Running Club.
“Everyone runs, in some capacity, but I think this is the first time we’ve had a GSA team,” she said. “We didn’t a chance to train together because we entered the team so late, but I’m hoping we have a few teams next year and will do some group runs.”
Some runners surprise their colleagues with hidden talents. Jake Berube, who led the Daily Caller team (the Daily Ballers) to a second place finish in the Print Media division, was the “surprise fast guy” on his team that included a former collegiate runner. Though he was on the track team at the University of Southern Maine, he was a decathlete, with the longest running event spanning a mile. That’s where he started.
“I ran the first mile really fast and I was just trying to survive the rest of the way,” he said.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) looks ahead to the race every spring.
“Everyone on my staff loves to run, and in order for them to run, I have to run, so two months before this race, I start running again,” he said. Members of Congress have to participate in the race for their offices to field teams. “I’m 58 years old, so my knees and the back aren’t great, but I try to run every two days. I always hope to run eight-minute miles.”
The junior senator clocked just over 8:20 pace on his way to a 25:04 finish, for the top male finish in the upper house. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) was the top female senator, in 35:15. Portman finishes jsut ahead of Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) the top female representative.
Portman’s Communications Director Caitlin Dunn said most of her colleagues were active runners, with many completing the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run, the Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Half Marathon and the Philadelphia Marathon.
Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) was not only the fastest male representative, at 39th place out of 667, he was one of the fastest runners overall. His title came a day after he earned his party’s nomination for this year’s Senate race.
“I try to run most mornings, wherever I am,” he said. “Arkansas is a great state for running, with the mountains, the river valleys, the plains. Between deployments, I was was stationed in Arlington, so I’ve gotten used to running here, too. I can be the fastest man in Congress, but if I was still in the Army, my soldiers would just call me a slow old man,” he said.
Recently-confirmed U.S. Circuit Court Judge Nina Pillard won the women’s Judicial Branch title in 23:20. She gathered three of her clerks and one of her fellow judge’s clerks to form a team, after D.C. Circuit Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh told her about the competition shortly after she was confirmed. Kavanaugh’s team led the Judicial standings.
“We chose our team on eagerness,” she said. “We didn’t train together, but we exchanged plenty of emails about running to get ready for this.
D.C. Superior Court Judge Robert Okun was the first male judge across the line in 20:47.
Nine-year-old Annie ran the race with her mom, All Things Considered Producer Justine Kenin. Annie is third-generation Capital Challenge, following in the footsteps of James Kenin, whose name now adorns the award for worst team name (WUSA-News Your Daddy won this year). NPR sported approximately 50 runners, making it one of the largest contingents at the race.
“She knew I ran this every year and she asked to do it last year,” Kenin said. “I told her she could only run if she trained for it.”
Annie felt it was one of her better races, riding high off of Saturday’s Girls on the Run 5k, the culminating event for her elementary school training group.
“I like running with my mom and my friends,” she said. “This wasn’t my best race, but it was pretty good.”
When she shared her motivational strategies, it sounded akin to what a lot of coworkers might have said to each other before grabbing a danish and heading back to the office.
“A lot of them break down and say they can’t do it,” Annie said. “I tell them, ‘don’t say can’t, because can’t never helps anything.'”
A runner fended off an attacker with a can of mace Saturday night while running in southern Fairfax County.
The woman was running along Hayfield Road, close to Old Telegraph Road, around 10 p.m. when she was grabbed by a man wearing a dark long sleeve shirt and cream colored pants. After using her mace, the two ran in opposite directions, according to Fairfax County Police.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Crime Solvers by phone at 1-866-411-TIPS/8477, e-mail at www.fairfaxcrimesolvers.org or text “TIP187” plus your message to CRIMES/274637 or call Fairfax County Police at 703-691-2131.
Tuesday June 11, Washington, D.C.
A bicyclist on the Metropolitan Branch Trail in Northeast Washington was attacked and badly beaten by what he counted as more than a dozen teenagers near Third and S streets, NE. According to a Washington Post report, he said they took nothing from him and suffered a broken bone near his eye.
Monday June 10, Chevy Chase, Md.
During a storm on Monday afternoon, a Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School student, Joshua Davis, was apparently killed when a tree fell and struck him while he biked on a side trail off of the Rock Creek Trail, according to Montgomery County Police. He was close to the 9200 block of Jones Mill Road in Chevy Chase.
Saturday June 1, Vienna, Va.
Around 8:30 p.m., a woman was charged with driving while intoxicated and felony hit and run after she drove nearly five miles to Vienna on the W&OD Trail from Reston and hit a bicyclist, who was thrown from the bike onto the trail’s shoulder, and nearly hit a handful of other trail users.
Saturday June 1, Arlington, Va.
At approximately 11:17 a.m., a woman was reportedly cut in the upper left side of her torso by a man who jumped out of the brush as she was walking along the Four Mile Run Trail. The man ran away, she suffered superficial injuries but remains hospitalized Monday, according to the Arlington County Police Department, which has not released any information on the assailant. The attack happened between the N. Ohio Streetand Patrick Henry Drive overpasses over I-66.
If possible, run with someone when heading to an isolated area, carry identification and when possible, alert someone to your planned route.

wore a variety of Boston Marathon shirts for their Saturday morning run, showing their support for the victims of
the bombings and the marathon itself. Photo: Charlie Ban
With some time, confusion and grief following the two explosions along the Boston Marathon sidelines turned to resolve and determination not to let terrorists ruin running. Hordes turned out Friday and Saturday to show that they would not be intimidated.
The bombing that left three dead and almost 200 wounded, including a Springfield woman who broke her leg, and the subsequent chase that claimed the life of a campus police officer only motivated those who turned out to the Crystal City Friday 5k, which took place as the surviving suspect was cornered in Watertown, Mass.
Adam Schans exited the Crystal City metro station Friday night with little time to spare. On the sidewalk, about a quarter mile from the start, the Wilson High School freshman slipped into orange-black running shoes with neon laces, handed his track bag to his father, and took off for the starting line of the third of four Crystal Run 5K Fridays with an easy, feathery stride. Wilson High’s track team was off today; he’d race an evening 5k on the streets of Arlington instead.
Arlington’s Andy Murphy, 40, raced Friday night wearing his long-sleeved 2012 Boston Marathon shirt. He ran that year to raise money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute while his father, battling cancer, cheered him on.
During this year’s Boston Marathon, Murphy attended his father’s funeral in Arlington National Cemetery. Later that afternoon, after bombs exploded and tragedy struck Boston, his cell phone filled with text messages sent by concerned friends worrying he might be there.
Emily Dorsey, 30, also of Arlington, was racing 5k partly to celebrate her friend’s birthday. Next weekend, she’ll run the Nike Women’s Marathon. But for the two-time marathoner and Boston University graduate, racing last night also just seemed like the right thing to do.
Watching the race last night, and hundreds of runners take to the streets (not long after work let out for many of them), showing no signs of fear or doubt. Few, if any, complained about increased security such as bag searches for those planning to use the gear check.
Nobody loudly expressed worry about the possibility that unsafe weather conditions might delay the 6:30 p.m. start by up to 30 minutes and require runners to take shelter until it all passed, or that if severe weather persisted past 7 p.m. the race would be postponed until May 3.
Bags were checked. The weather was the weather – the big downpour holding off.
Jane Webster, 35, of D.C., said after the race, “I love it when it’s overcast. She” – D.C.’s Rebecca Johnson, who she ran with – “loves it when it rains. Perfect.”
After a moment of silence, the runners were off.
From teens like Schans to 70-something-year-old mega-racers like Robert Gurtler of the Plains, Va., the race was on.
And with less than a mile left, as Michael Roethel, 24, of Herndon made the turn onto Crystal Drive, Arlington’s Claire Hallissey, who represented Britain in the marathon at the London Olympics, appeared to be reeling him in.
Roethel had heard about the Crystal Run 5k Fridays race series from a co-worker and promptly signed up for all four. “But this race was special for me,” he said, “especially the week after Boston.” When news of the bombings struck, he immediately thought of his friends running the race, he explained, adding, “They finished the race but other people weren’t as lucky. My heart goes out to them.”
Roethel was first across the line in 17:06. “I’ve never been first place before,” he said, “so this was a breakthrough.”
About two and a half minutes later, Schans crossed the line, pleased with his own effort.
And even though lightning forced race organizers to shorten the route for some runners, the race’s atmosphere remained upbeat.
Near the three-mile mark, co-workers Chris Stewart, Jacqui Balough, and Andre Dalton, though finished with their own races, cheered for other runners.
“There was a lot of support here – a lot of people wearing Boston attire,” said Stewart, 30, of Manassas, Va.
He added, “Obviously, from the turnout, people weren’t afraid of getting out in a big group. I saw somebody who said it best: ‘If you’re looking to break the American spirit, then marathoners and runners aren’t the people to target.’”
To which Balough, 26, of Arlington said, “It’s almost an incentive to still come out here” in spite of the weather.
To which Dalton, 38, of Springfield, chimed in, “Life goes on; can’t be scared. Keep on going.”
The next morning, hundreds of runners gathered for group runs Saturday morning to show support for the Boston Marathon and recognize the bombing victims. Many wore any variation of the blue and yellow adidas shirts and jackets that are hallmarks of trips from Hopkinton.
The Washington Running Club’s Dojo of Pain met Saturday morning to run and talk about what happened in Boston, but also to celebrate Silver Spring’s Alan Pemberton’s 60-65 men’s age group victory (2:57:52). He was in a post-race stupor in a restaurant a few blocks away, but his celebration was short lived.
“I was deeply into my second chocolate milk when we heard what sounded like thunder,” he said. “My wife was outside to get tickets for the post-race party, she said she thought it was a construction accident, building materials falling.
“Maybe a transformer blew? You’re so slow to assume the worst, that actual evil people are trying injure people. We heard more and more sirens, then the congratulatory messages turned to concern. It became pretty clear something horrible had happened.”
Casper Magacs of Binghamton, N.Y. was in town visiting his girlfriend’s cousin and decided to join a run at noon near the Mall. On Marathon Monday, he noticed bomb sniffing dogs at the starting line. Officials told him they were doing training and to not think anything of it. That caused a little trepidation but he put it behind him when the race started. “I was worried about not hitting the wall,” he said.
Virginia Jurica of Washington joined a DC Capital Striders run in the National Arboretum and brought a different perspective. After spending some time running in Baghdad’s Green Zone while in Iraq for work, she grew accustomed to the threat of danger in the form of mortar shells. The difference, she said, was that she expected them, being close to an insurgent guerrilla campaign.
“None of those people in Boston expected there’d be any danger, and why should they?” she said. It was a celebration.”
By Dickson Mercer
Washington, DC
June 9, 2012
For the Washington Running Report
Four miles into this morning’s Lawyers Have Heart 10K, Barb Fallon Wallace started falling behind.
“Just a few steps,” she said. “I was getting tired.”
But with a little encouragement from her Pacers racing team teammate, Lisa Thomas, Fallon Wallace – a 38-year-old physical therapist who gave birth to twins just 18 months ago – summoned some reserve strength. Inside the final mile, the Alexandria, VA resident pulled away to claim the win and a new personal best of 36:10.
Thomas, 36, also of Alexandria, finished second in 36:18. Lisa Goldstein, 25, of Washington, DC was third in 37:54.
Thomas said she was pleased with how the race turned out and happy to make Fallon Wallace “earn it.”
She was also pleased with the conditions that featured a cooler-than-usual starting time temperature hovering in the mid-70s. (Last year’s race, which Thomas won, was shortened to 5K to spare runners from temperatures that soared well above 90 degrees.)
As for the men, this year’s Lawyers Have Heart 10K was Gurmessa Megerssa’s from the start.
“He took off right away,” said Pacers’ Jordan Zwick, 26, who placed 2nd in 31:36, ahead of 21-year-old Mark Allen, an American University runner who ran 31:44 in his first road 10K.
“Around 4 miles, [Megerssa] kind of slowed down a little and I tried to catch him,” Zwick added.
No such luck.
The Lawyers Have Heart 10K’s out-and-back courses starts and finishes in Washington, DC’s Georgetown neighborhood under the Whitehurst Freeway. And as Megerssa came into view on the downhill that returns runners to the finish, he unleashed a wild kick that carried him through the tape in 31:17.
In 2006, shortly after Megerssa moved to DC from his native Ethiopia, where he competed for the East African country’s national team, he ran 29:51 to set the event record.
Megerssa’s win today makes him the race’s third repeat victor in its now 22nd running. Philippe Rolly, 39, of McLean, VA, who ran 32:50 today, won three years in a row starting in 1999 and added a fourth title in 2004. Jim Hage won in 1993 and 1996.
But the Lawyers Have Heart 10K has its own story. Since 1991, the race has raised more than $8 million to benefit the American Heart Association.
And as Ted Boling, the Deputy Solicitor for Land Resources at the U.S. Department of the Interior, put it after the race, surrounding Lawyers Have Heart is a “whole subculture that trades around times.”
Teams are created as well. In the finishing area today, one saw an array of made-for-the-event shirts bearing the names of firms like Hogan Lovells and Sutherland and of course the U.S. Department of Justice. An Alexandria patent office team’s shirt read, “Landon IP Has Heart.”
Avid local runner Hanna Chouest, 29, of DC and Lisa Jones, 43, of Arlington, who both work at the law firm Sidley Austin, said that one of their co-worker’s office spaces is decorated with years worth of Lawyers Have Heart 10K memorabilia.
“That’s how I learned about it,” Jones said.
The support from the region’s legal community has helped draw thousands of runners annually to this race, making it the biggest 10K in Washington, D.C.
To lawyers like Ted Bennett, 47, who works for Williams & Connolly in DC, the race, he said, was about being with colleagues and friends while supporting a good cause.
Williams & Connolly’s team was 15 strong, Bennett said.
But for Bennett, who said he “used to be a runner,” this was his first time participating.
“I’ve been always been doing kid’s stuff,” he said. “I’ll do that later today.”
After the race, participants gathered in Washington Harbour for post-race snow cones, drinks, and music. Dogs, though not welcome on the course, were more than welcome here. Several restaurants were open for brunch.
Shannon Franks, 35, of College Park, MD was the top wheelchair athlete, covering the course in 31:07.
In the masters division, Stephanie Evans, 41, of Washington, DC posted a time of 40:16 to take the title by close to four minutes. Derik Thomas, 46, of Alexandria, was the top male master in 34:52.
At the post-race ceremony, awards were offered for age groups as well as special categories, including lawyers, legal assistants, law librarians, administrators, summer associates, law students, and survivors of cardiovascular disease.
FEMALE OVERALL RESULTS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3075 Barbara Fallon Wallace 38 ALEXANDRIA VA 36:09.4 36:08.7 2 30 Lisa Thomas 36 Alexandria VA 36:17.8 36:17.0 3 3105 Lisa Goldstein 25 WASHINGTON DC 37:53.1 37:53.1 4 3005 Kerry Allen 23 WASHINGTON DC 39:14.5 39:14.1 5 3272 Sarah Spalding 31 WASHINGTON DC 39:28.1 39:27.0 MALE OVERALL RESULTS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2388 Gurmessa Megerssa 32 WASHINGTON DC 31:16.4 31:16.4 2 3985 Jordan Zwick 26 ARLINGTON VA 31:35.4 31:35.4 3 3006 Mark Allen 21 WASHINGTON DC 31:43.4 31:43.4 4 3480 Andrew McCann 23 Washington DC 31:44.4 31:44.4 5 3511 Wilson Komen 34 WASHINGTON DC 32:10.1 32:09.8 FEMALE MASTERS RESULTS Place No. Name Ag City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== == ================== == ========= ========= 1 2468 Stephanie Evans 41 WASHINGTON DC 40:16.0 40:11.6 2 670 Julia Taylor 40 ARLINGTON VA 44:08.0 43:57.9 3 2528 Lynnette Simpson 40 WASHINGTON DC 45:17.0 44:36.0 4 1561 Carol Hobson 45 SPRINGFIELD VA 45:38.7 40:00.6 5 3599 Kristin McCann 40 ALEXANDRIA VA 45:49.1 45:45.5 MALE MASTERS RESULTS Place No. Name Ag City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== == ================== == ========= ========= 1 29 Derik Thomas 46 Alexandria VA 34:51.3 34:50.7 2 1808 Henry Wigglesworth 54 WASHINGTON DC 35:38.2 35:37.9 3 3160 Max Lockwood 42 WASHINGTON DC 38:04.2 38:04.2 4 2365 Reynolds Wilson 40 ARLINGTON VA 38:16.7 38:06.8 5 43 Peter Sloan 49 Silver Spring MD 38:45.3 38:44.0 ADAPTIVE ATHLETE RESULTS Place No. Name Ag City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== == ================== == ========= ========= 1 2831 SHANNON FRANKS 35 COLLEGE PARK MD 31:06:3 31:06.3 AGE-GROUP RESULTS Lawyers Have Heart 10K Benefiting The American Heart Association Saturday, June 09, 2012 Washington, DC (Georgetown Waterfront) 7:30AM raceDC Timing (www.racedctiming.com), Questions? [email protected] FEMALE AGE GROUP: 1 - 19 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3379 Anna Stone 17 Vienna VA 41:26.8 41:17.0 2 3380 Amanda Swaak 15 Vienna VA 44:39.1 44:29.2 3 3798 Katherine Salamido 15 MCLEAN VA 46:17.4 45:27.8 MALE AGE GROUP: 1 - 19 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 813 Connor Ryan 18 WASHINGTON DC 33:27.0 33:27.0 2 3162 Ian Lutz 19 WASHINGTON DC 33:51.2 33:51.2 3 722 Mitch Clements 17 ASHBURN VA 38:34.1 38:12.0 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 20 - 24 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3811 Danielle Schaub 24 WASHINGTON DC 40:43.0 40:11.0 2 123 Angell Garrigan 24 ALEXANDRIA VA 46:31.5 41:12.6 3 2682 Kathleen Cave 23 BETHESDA MD 43:15.5 42:37.2 MALE AGE GROUP: 20 - 24 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3154 Mark Leininger 21 WASHINGTON DC 32:27.8 32:27.8 2 1483 Kyle Stanton 21 COLUMBIA MD 33:19.4 33:18.8 3 1049 Andrew Koehlinger 23 MIDLAND MI 34:40.3 34:39.7 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 25 - 29 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3281 Kelly Swain 27 ARLINGTON VA 39:49.8 39:48.7 2 3134 Melody Jones 28 ARLINGTON VA 40:24.5 40:20.8 3 2435 Julia Pudlin 27 WASHINGTON DC 40:33.0 40:30.8 MALE AGE GROUP: 25 - 29 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2382 Kumssa Ethicha Wodajo 27 WASHINGTON DC 34:58.4 34:58.4 2 3375 Tim Kogge 28 Arlington VA 35:43.4 35:42.0 3 1011 William Rawson 29 WASHINGTON DC 35:43.2 35:43.2 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 30 - 34 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 571 Jillian Holmes 34 STAFFORD VA 45:12.7 40:38.9 2 2612 Robyn Bernardy 30 WASHINGTON DC 41:56.9 41:50.9 3 1294 Elizabeth Oyer 33 WASHINGTON DC 42:31.7 42:20.4 MALE AGE GROUP: 30 - 34 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2821 Colin Fishwick 34 WASHINGTON DC DC 32:56.8 32:56.8 2 671 Daniel Yi 32 ALEXANDRIA VA 34:53.5 34:53.1 3 3953 Clete Willems 32 WASHINGTON DC 34:57.3 34:56.8 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 35 - 39 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3061 Mary Davison 39 BRISTOW VA 40:05.1 40:03.3 2 815 Laura Zeilinger 39 WASHINGTON DC 40:29.0 40:26.7 3 1807 Julie Sapper 39 ROCKVILLE MD 42:06.6 42:00.0 MALE AGE GROUP: 35 - 39 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3784 Philippe Rolly 39 MCLEAN VA 32:49.9 32:49.7 2 3285 Matthew Thomas 37 ALEXANDRIA VA 34:05.4 34:05.4 3 3441 Scott Anderson 38 Washington DC 34:32.8 34:32.6 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 40 - 44 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2628 Colette Boulin 42 WASHINGTON DC 48:58.4 46:25.1 2 2160 Lisa Jones Foose 43 ARLINGTON VA 47:04.4 46:32.8 3 1989 Esther Lander 43 VIENNA VA 49:25.9 48:19.6 MALE AGE GROUP: 40 - 44 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3157 Malcolm Lester 44 WASHINGTON DC 39:25.1 39:24.1 2 2558 Andrew Goldfarb 43 CHEVY CHASE MD 39:29.4 39:27.6 3 710 Norman Wong 40 WASHINGTON DC 40:25.8 40:10.8 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 45 - 49 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3056 Patricia Cuff Donahue 47 ALEXANDRIA VA 46:14.7 45:56.3 2 2557 Janet Braunstein 46 WASHINGTON DC 46:18.1 46:04.6 3 3572 Brenda MacKintosh 46 SPRINGFIELD VA 47:24.9 47:06.4 MALE AGE GROUP: 45 - 49 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2124 Eugene Holmes 47 ARLINGTON VA 39:30.6 39:27.6 2 429 Jamey Burden 46 ALEXANDRIA VA 39:55.7 39:51.7 3 49 Alan Thatcher 48 Manassas VA 40:27.9 40:26.8 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 50 - 54 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1062 Maureen Mitchell 51 CURTIS BAY MD 51:23.7 47:51.6 2 366 Susan Hyre 53 ALEXANDRIA VA 49:57.4 49:51.8 3 3803 Isabela Sardas 50 MEQUON WI 50:43.2 50:05.3 MALE AGE GROUP: 50 - 54 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3679 Sean Oatmeyer 50 WILLIAMSBURG VA 41:17.8 41:06.5 2 2467 Robert Dunne 53 OAK HILL VA 41:31.2 41:26.6 3 3074 Stefan Falk 53 WASHINGTON DC 42:14.0 42:10.6 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 55 - 59 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2675 Manuela Carvalho 57 WASHINGTON DC 52:18.8 51:33.5 2 448 Mary Lopatto 57 WASHINGTON DC 54:51.5 54:32.3 3 2047 Nancy Kuhn 56 BETHESDA MD 56:05.2 54:51.2 MALE AGE GROUP: 55 - 59 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1528 Hugh Hilliard 55 WASHINGTON DC 41:43.9 41:18.2 2 1836 Gary Morgans 59 ARLINGTON VA 43:13.6 43:10.6 3 3973 William Xu 58 SPRINFIELD VA 43:34.7 43:20.0 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 60 - 64 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3088 Alice Franks 64 ROCKVILLE MD 47:35.7 47:27.6 2 3188 Linda Mills 62 SALISBURY MD 49:07.4 48:53.2 3 3434 Jane Serues 64 Cherry Grove Beach SC 49:07.3 48:54.1 MALE AGE GROUP: 60 - 64 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1722 Joe Hollingsworth 64 WASHINGTON DC 41:04.7 35:57.6 2 3968 Jim Wright 62 GAITHERSBURG MD 40:18.2 40:17.0 3 3942 Michael Wesbecher 64 OAKTON VA 43:50.6 43:29.0 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 65 - 69 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3870 Dianne Stoddard 66 VIENNA VA 1:05:31.7 1:02:38.2 2 497 Susan Crosson 66 HERNDON VA 1:09:13.7 1:04:10.2 3 2973 Wendy Jordan 65 WASHINGTON DC 1:07:10.6 1:05:48.5 MALE AGE GROUP: 65 - 69 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3350 James Daly 68 Alexandria VA 50:08.0 50:06.3 2 2696 John Churchman 69 ARLINGTON VA 51:09.2 50:39.6 3 2269 John Brittain 68 ALEXANDRIA VA 54:06.0 53:18.2 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 70 - 74 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3821 Rosemary Schwartzbard 70 ARLINGTON VA 1:03:36.2 1:01:16.1 2 1712 Martha Witebsky 70 SILVER SPRING MD 1:05:50.7 1:03:40.6 MALE AGE GROUP: 70 - 74 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2774 Mike Driskel 71 WASHINGTON DC 58:34.1 58:27.1 2 3647 Alan Morrison 74 WASHINGTON DC 1:03:31.8 1:01:48.4 3 1137 Skip Hartquist 70 WASHINGTON DC 1:05:16.7 1:04:55.6 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 75 - 79 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3055 Pat Cuff 75 MONTGOMERY VILLAGE AA 1:11:15.5 1:09:18.2 MALE AGE GROUP: 75 - 79 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3779 Alan Rider 76 RESTON VA 58:32.6 58:30.9 2 3586 Joe Marhoefer 76 RESTON VA 1:02:19.8 59:36.6 3 2891 Robert Gurtler 77 THE PLAINS VA 1:05:26.1 1:04:08.7 FEMALE AGE GROUP: 80 - 99 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= MALE AGE GROUP: 80 - 99 Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 63 George Yannakakis 80 Sparks Glencoe MD 1:00:26.8 1:00:23.1 2012 Lawyers Have Heart 10K CATEGORY AWARDS LIST CVD-SURVIVOR FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1702 Elizabeth Westbrook 28 WASHINGTON DC 1:01:48.5 59:08.6 2 2796 Simone Elliott 40 WASHINGTON DC 1:01:10.2 1:00:45.7 3 3655 Deborah Muller 27 WASHINGTON DC 1:03:06.3 1:01:10.7 CVD-SURVIVOR MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1274 Rod Vieira 44 CHEVY CHASE MD 48:20.5 46:26.8 2 2729 Darrell Darnell 53 WASHINGTON DC 51:55.5 51:09.9 3 1632 John Gifft 40 WASHINGTON DC 55:28.3 54:23.2 LAWYER FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2468 Stephanie Evans 41 WASHINGTON DC 40:16.0 40:11.6 2 815 Laura Zeilinger 39 WASHINGTON DC 40:29.0 40:26.7 3 2435 Julia Pudlin 27 WASHINGTON DC 40:33.0 40:30.8 LAWYER MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 671 Daniel Yi 32 ALEXANDRIA VA 34:53.5 34:53.1 2 3953 Clete Willems 32 WASHINGTON DC 34:57.3 34:56.8 3 535 P.J. Martinez 31 WASHINGTON DC 35:32.9 35:32.9 LEGAL-ASSISTANT FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 571 Jillian Holmes 34 STAFFORD VA 45:12.7 40:38.9 2 556 Tracy Buro 25 ARLINGTON VA 43:15.5 43:04.1 3 945 Natalie Stoll 23 WASHINGTON DC 46:44.9 45:37.4 LEGAL-ASSISTANT MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1787 Sam Araia 32 ALEXANDRIA VA 42:51.9 42:41.6 2 1564 Mike O'Donnell 24 WASHINGTON DC 42:55.4 42:42.0 3 1169 Jeffrey Nelson 24 WASHINGTON DC 46:17.2 45:25.6 LEGAL-SECRETARY FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2628 Colette Boulin 42 WASHINGTON DC 48:58.4 46:25.1 2 1062 Maureen Mitchell 51 CURTIS BAY MD 51:23.7 47:51.6 3 2444 Bettina Myers 42 WASHINGTON DC 50:42.3 49:13.9 LEGAL-SECRETARY MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1131 Todd Robinson 33 WASHINGTON DC DC 46:12.6 46:04.1 LAW-LIBRARIAN FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 670 Julia Taylor 40 ARLINGTON VA 44:08.0 43:57.9 2 583 Allison Rainey 32 ARLINGTON VA 49:45.2 48:44.0 3 1322 Carol Gruenburg 58 ALEXANDRIA VA 58:46.5 55:28.3 LAW-LIBRARIAN MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= ADMINISTRATOR FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 123 Angell Garrigan 24 ALEXANDRIA VA 46:31.5 41:12.6 2 1398 Alyona Richey 33 ARLINGTON VA 44:06.7 44:04.2 3 199 Monica Phillips 38 WASHINGTON DC 46:37.9 46:12.9 ADMINISTRATOR MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 1297 Steven Claremon 27 WASHINGTON DC 40:26.5 40:15.6 2 2467 Robert Dunne 53 OAK HILL VA 41:31.2 41:26.6 3 148 Jeremy Phelps 36 CENTREVILLE VA 43:05.0 42:39.2 SUMMER-ASSOCIATE FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 3105 Lisa Goldstein 25 WASHINGTON DC 37:53.1 37:53.1 2 934 Tiffiney Carney 32 WASHINGTON DC 48:10.7 45:58.2 3 2174 Kelly Rosencrans 25 STANFORD CA 49:37.9 46:56.7 SUMMER-ASSOCIATE MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 2377 Daniel Riegel 28 WASHINGTON DC 39:14.7 39:10.4 2 2296 Gabriel Tabak 28 ANN ARBOR MI 40:12.5 40:10.1 3 2374 Stephen Bosco 30 ARLINGTON VA 41:54.8 40:34.1 LAW-STUDENT FEMALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 890 Allison Federoff 25 BETHESDA MD 42:15.9 42:04.9 2 2272 Erin Herrero 28 WASHINGTON DC 48:45.1 45:59.4 3 600 Jessica Parisi 23 STATE COLLEGE PA 48:54.3 48:12.8 LAW-STUDENT MALE AWARDS Place No. Name Age City St Gun Time Net Time ===== ===== ===================== === ================== == ========= ========= 1 57 Terence Baptiste 28 Akron OH 36:33.3 36:32.7 2 892 Eric Johnson 24 HALF MOON BAY CA 37:27.6 37:14.8 3 2783 Peter Dysart 24 BURLINGTON VT 38:19.6 38:14.2