Runner Resources
Reports of assaults on runners
Culled from news reports of assaults on runners or taking place on running paths or trails
D.C.-area group runs
There are more than 200 organized group runs in the D.C. area every week. Check here to see a schedule and find one that’s right for you.

Public water fountains

Running specialty stores
The D.C. area has a wealth of specialty running stores. In addition to carrying wide inventories and holding community events like group runs, their sales staffs offer technical expertise and years of experience with the sport.
Eight Great Long Runs
Marine Corps and other fall marathons are still months away, but that means it’s time for the crucial long runs that will make up the majority of your marathon-specific training.
Here are a slew of great long run options in the D.C. area. There are plenty of out-and-back choices out there — the C&O Canal Towpath, the Capital Crescent…any trail, but what we offer here is a collection of loops, and a few point-to-point runs, that will give you a reason to get out of bed early on the weekend to get the hard training in.
Off the Beaten Path
Tales of trails away from the paved paths, the National Mall and the local track