Pacers CEO (and RunWashington Publisher) Kathy Dalby and Burke Beck of Oklahoma City’s Red Coyote Running discuss their networking and educational retreat for women in the running industry that they started last year. Docs goes on an unrelated rant.
Bob Schwelm, the top American at the New York Marathon in 1995 and owner of the Bryn Mawr Running Company near Philadelphia talks about his five decades of running sub-3-hour marathons and his plans for a sixth.
Saucony runner and American 25k record holder Parker Stinson talks about finding the sweet spot in his training.
Bobby Van Allen, coach of the Division III NCAA champion Johns Hopkins women’s cross country team, discusses his team’s sixth national title and rising men’s team.
Julie Culley and Joanna Russo take off their co-host hats and put on some guest berets to discuss issues raised Mary Cain first in the New York Times, then Sports Illustrated, then other outlets.
Marine Corps Marathon winner Brittany Charboneau talks about her comedy and running careers. Docs wonders if he has a future in improv.
Jeff Stein, winner of the 2018 Marine Corps Marathon and participant in the 2017 first-mile fiasco talks about his recent introduction to distance running and training alone.
Local New Balance rep and big-time track fan Tripp Southerland parses the news of coach Alberto Salazar’s four-year coaching ban following a doping and drug trafficking investigation.
Oakton alumna Claire Wood talks about her 10+ years at New Balance and her decision to try something new, professionally. Read more about her career in running shoe design from RunWashington’s 2016 profile of Wood.
Writer and satirist Mark Remy talks about the inspiration for Dumb Runner.