Odyssey Trail Running Rampage

The 50K Ultra will entail 3 loops ((Two) Half Marathon loops + (One) 6 mile loop); the Marathon 2 loops; and the Half Marathon 1 loop. There will be 1 aid station on top of the mountain, at the cabin overlook, at mile 3.5 with water only and 2 fully stocked aid stations at miles 9(mile 1 for the Six Miler) and 11.25 (mile 3.5 for the Six Miler) of each loop. They will have HEED water, flat cola, potatoes and salt, banana halves, and pretzels at each station. Ultra and Marathon runners will be able to stage supplies at the finish of the loop.
The Six Mile Trail race will be a single loop with a few challenging uphills, but mostly rolling terrain. This loop will have over 1000 feet of elevation gain. This race will incorporate the last five miles of the other three events’ loop with the addition of the Tobacco Hollow Ridge Trail at the start. The loops for all the events are a little long by 0.3 +/- miles (more plus). There will be no extra charge for the bonus miles!