Where can you run on a snowy day?

Can’t stand the treadmill? Me neither. You want to run outside after snowfall? Here’s a look at what (mainly paved) paths are looking like.

With melting and refreezing, particularly in shaded parts of paths, conditions will be a crapshoot. I want to make it very clear RunWashington is not guaranteeing your safety if you do go for a run outside. That said, thanks to some observers who were out on Sunday and Monday and the policies maintained by local governments, we can give you an idea what to expect out there.  .

In Washington, D.C.

The U.S. Capitol is cleared and salted rigorously.

The D.C. Department of Public works cleared the Metropolitan Branch Trail Sunday morning.

Foot traffic around the Mall has likely cleared a lot of the snow.

East Potomac Park, as far south as Buckeye Drive, is likely clear and sees limited traffic. The Hains Point loop south of Buckeye has likely not been cleared.

However, if you’re hoping to do some cross training in a DC DPR pool, you’re out of luck, because they’re closed Monday.

In Virginia

NovaParks has cleared the W&OD Trail.


Arlington County clears the Custis Trail, Four Mile Run Trail, Bluemont Junction Trail and Route 110 Trail concurrently with residential streets. Some areas of these trails have frozen again, however.

The Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail Snow Patrol Team will be clearing between LBJ Memorial Grove to the 14th Street Bridge from 1 p.m – 6 p.m. Monday.

Arlington County’s rec centers are closed.

In Maryland

Montgomery County plowed its portion of the Capital Crescent Trail

Word is that the Millennium Trail in Rockville is “mostly clear” along Wootton Parkway.


Rock Creek Trail north of Peirce Mill around 11 a.m. Sunday. Photo: Charlie Ban

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