Monumental Runner – Shlomo Fishman

Photo: Dustin Whitlow/DWhit Photography

On July 12, Silver Spring’s Shlomo Fishman will be running 40 miles around Montgomery County, Prince George’s County and Washington D.C. to raise money for the Kids In Action programs at the HSC Pediatric Center, providing inclusive recreation services for kids with developmental and physical disability. Find out more and donate here.

Name: Shlomo Fishman

Self-described age group: Competitive Open Male Division

Residence: Silver Spring

Occupation: Wellness Fitness Specialist

Volunteer roles in the running world:  My volunteering ranges from being course marshal, to assisting with the City of Rockville youth track meets, and any other roles as needed within the Montgomery County and D.C. area.

Why you run: Running allows me to be the best person I can be. When I push myself during a workout or a run, it allows me to apply it to any challenges or stressors I may face in day-to-day living.

When did you get started running: I started running on a regular basis in my junior year in high school and never stopped.

Have you taken a break from running: Nope. As long as I am healthy, I will continue running.

Training shoe: I don’t have a specific running shoe. I find a shoe that fits me well and run in them till I wear them out. I’m currently running in Brooks Launch, New Balance Vazee Foam Fresh and other similar models.

Coach or training group: I am affiliated with MCRRC and the DoJo of Pain Racing Team. I don’t have one specific coach. However, having great colleagues is probably just as valuable as a coach (Thank you Dan, Alan, Jeff & Jen to name a few).

The hardest race you’ve ever run: The Self Transcendence Marathon on August 23, 2013 in Congers, N.Y. It was 80 degrees Fahrenheit and with extreme humidity. I bonked so hard that I was seeing stars by mile 20.

Most adventurous decision you’ve made with your running: When studying abroad I would run on trails for 6-8 hours, get myself lost (sometimes in not so safe areas), and have to figure out how to get home with using an old-fashioned map and some cash for a bus or taxi.

Running mentors: Dean Karnazes, Scott Jurek, & Meb Keflezighi to name a few.

My favorite place to run in the D.C. area is: There are too many great places to run in the D.C. to name. After much thought I would have to say anywhere along the Rock Creek Trail.

Favorite local trail: Wheaton Regional Park Trails & Northwest Branch Trails. I don’t have to cross a road to access them

My best race was: The time I traveled south to the Publix Georgia Marathon in March 2016. The weather was perfect, I had a perfect build-up, and an excellent group of people around me for support.

Favorite local race: Though there are many great races here in the D.C. area, I would have to go with the Credit Union Cherry Blossom Ten Mile Run. I just completed it for the fourth time and a new 10-mile PR each time.

Ideal post-run meal: Cheeseless ziti, leafy green salad, lemon salmon, and green tea to finish.

Favorite flavor of gel, gu, etc: Anything lemon or citrus flavor.

Pet peeve: When another trail or road user is wearing headphones, and has no clue what “passing on your left” means.

Goals: My goals are to continue to inspire others to live healthier and more active lifestyles through the action of daily training, and racing.

Your advice for a new runner: Run easy & run often. No need to try and run fast early on, with the daily action of running and being active all else will follow.

Favorite running book: Seriously, one running book?! The Road to Sparta by Dean Karnazes and What I Talk about When I Talk about Running by Haruki Murakami

Song in your head during a run: Any top 40 hits or anything I just played in a recent fitness class.

Have you dealt with a major injury: I do feel blessed that I never had to deal with a major injury thus far.

Running quote: “Run often, run long, but never outrun your joy of running” – Julie Isphording

Why is the D.C. area a great place to be a runner: The positive atmosphere about  and around running in the city, access to all types of trails which includes natural surface, hard surface, or technical trails. Finally, the great people who work hard to make running and being active more accessible within and around the city.

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