Love the Run You’re With 5K Brings Out 1300 Plus Runners

Love the Run You’re With 5K Brings Out 1300 Plus Runners


By Chris Farley

Arlington, VA February 28, 2010

For the Washington Running Report

Robbie Wade wins the inaugural event.

The Pacers Events 2010 Race Series kicked off in style yesterday with the inaugural Love the Run You’re With 5K in Arlington, VA.

Love the Run You’re With, originally scheduled for Valentine’s Day, was rescheduled due to one of February’s many snowstorms plaguing the Washington DC metro area. The date change didn’t seem to affect the 1,300 finishers who completed yesterday’s 5K.

The course began at the Shops at Pentagon Row and led runners out and back on Army Navy   Drive before finishing at the Pentagon Row Ice Rink. Fortunately, on this last day in February, ice and snow were not factors.

Anna Chareonvootita of Silver Spring was thrilled with the day’s events saying, “This was my first race! It was both mentally and physically challenging, but the energy and excitement of the day and of all the other runners carried me to the finish.”

Many participants raced in Valentine’s Day theme wearing red and pink colored technical gear. Justin Fritzius of Purcellville, VA wore an “I love my girlfriend” singlet while Jen Norris of Arlington,  VA dressed head to toe in pink for the event.

Runners were given the option of wearing three different colored bibs signifying their relationship status: green for ‘single,’ red for ‘in a relationship,’ yellow for ‘it’s complicated.’ Participants were also able to compete for team prizes based on their relationship status adding a warm and friendly team competition on an otherwise chilly day.

“We really wanted the race to be a fun, light-hearted event. The social aspect of our races is extremely important in differentiating ourselves from other road races. We want our runners to get involved in the experience, compete to the best of their ability, and have a lot of fun in the process,” said Pacers Events Race Director Lisa Hundley-Reeves.

As with most Pacers Events, the fun did not end at the finish line. Race sponsor Champps of Pentagon Row provided brunch and drinks for post-race recovery while Mizuno Running provided a love song karaoke competition with the winners receiving free shoes.

The award ceremony saw teams such as ‘Going Stag,’ ‘Love Stinks,’ and ‘We’re Just Not That Into You” winning team prizes. Pacers Racing Team members Robbie Wade and Katie Read received awards for winning the overall men and women’s titles in 15:23 and 17:32 respectively.

This was the first race in the 2010 Pacers Racing Series. Join us for our next event, the Four Courts Four Miler on March 13, 2010. All Pacers Events race information can be found at



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